Vinyasa Yoga


Vinyasa yoga, ook wel ´flow´ yoga genoemd, is een dynamische en actieve vorm van yoga waarin ´breath, body and mind´ met elkaar verbonden worden. Door (continu) te bewegen op het ritme van de ademhaling ontstaat er een harmonieus gevoel van binnen wat rust en helderheid brengt in lichaam en geest. 

Tijdens word je begeleid van houding naar houding met het ritme van de ademhaling als anker. Er is altijd genoeg ruimte voor ontspanning en verdieping tijdens de practice. Je zal merken dat je kracht en souplesse opbouwt in het lichaam en rust in het hoofd. Door het gebruik van vinyasa krama (het woord krama betekent stap of een stadium), wordt op een veilige manier gewerkt naar een specifieke (geavanceerde) houding toe of een ´full body opening´ practice. Ook biedt krama de mogelijkheid dat de les voor iedereen te volgen is, er zijn altijd opties in het leven! 

Vinyasa Yoga Docenten
De volgende docenten verzorgen  Vinyasa lessen bij Yogastudio BE: Andrea Borbath en Sarah Prins

Voor tarieven Vinyasa Yoga kijk op de betreffende docenten pagina.


Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that
you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.  Commonly referred
to as “flow” yoga. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two
classes are ever alike.  Vinyasa is not a specific style such as Bikram Yoga,
Iyenger Yoga, or Ashtanga Yoga .The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps
to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries
that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day.
As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things.  We
enter into a posture, are there for a while and then leave.
Vinyasa, is a breath initiated practice, that connects every action of our
life with the intention of moving towards what is sacred, or most
important to us.

“The Sanskrit word Vinyasa comes from a prefix vi, which means variation,
and a suffix, nyasa, which means ‘within prescribed parameters.’”
The term Vinyasa is derived from nyasa, meaning “to place,” and vi, meaning
“in a special way.”  This indicates that we are not “throwing our bodies
around” but are bringing consciousness to each movement in each moment.
Vinyasa Yoga connects one posture to the next using the breath.  This can be
thought of as linking or flowing into postures which is sometimes why it’s
called “Flow Yoga”.

“Transitions” are what connect one posture to another in Vinyasa.  They are
the in-between part.  To move in a more graceful, connected way, allow just
as much time developing skill in the transitions as you do in the asana.
Vinyasa meets you where you are—which in today’s world is usually high
energy, going in a million directions at once.  It meets you there and leads you
by the hand back to an inner peace that exists within you.
Considered a “moving meditation,” it is about harmony and balance, grace
and fluidity.  We move and notice how we are moving and what moves us.
Vinyasa is the breath-synchronized movement it is the count of each
movement it takes to get into a posture (asana) in the traditional way.

“The core idea of Vinyasa Yoga is to shift emphasis from posture to
breath…the only thing permanent in the practice is the constant focus
on the breath.”  And the breath is a metaphor for what is permanent in
our ever-changing life—the universe, infinite consciousness or, most of
all, love.  Gregor Maehle